Crosby Reid Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Crosby Reid

Crosby Reid, the talented and successful daughter of NFL coach Andy Reid.  His was  17 March 1988 and 36 years old .Crosby may only be seven years old, but she has already made a name for herself in the world of sports and media. As the daughter of a famous coach,  His net worth  $7.5 million .she has grown up surrounded by football and has inherited her father’s passion for the game.  His weight 55kg and height 5feet 6inches  .

Who is Crosby Reid?

Crosby Reid is someone special because she has her adventures and stories, even though her dad is a famous football coach named Andy Reid. Imagine having a dad everyone knows because he’s good at coaching football! But Crosby isn’t just known for her dad; she’s also doing lots of cool things by herself.

She’s like a superhero in her own right, exploring the world, making friends, and finding what makes her happy. Just like you have your favorite games and stories, Crosby has hers too. She shows us that it’s fun to discover what we love and to be brave in following our dreams, creating our very own path just like she does.


Full name
Crosby Reid
Date of birth
17 March 1988
35 years old (as of 2023)
Zodiac sign
Place of birth
Louisiana, United States of America

Early Life and Education

Crosby Reid grew up in a world filled with love and football. As a little girl, she looked up to her dad, who was always busy drawing up plans to win football games. School for Crosby was like an adventure, full of new things to learn and new friends to meet. She was just like any other kid, carrying a backpack filled with books and dreams.

At school, Crosby learned to read, write, and do all sorts of math problems, but she also learned about sharing, being kind, and working together with classmates on projects. Just like in a football game, where every player is important, Crosby learned that every student in class had something special to offer. Her education wasn’t just about the ABCs and 123s; it was also about growing up to be a good person, ready for her adventures in life.

Crosby Reid

parents and siblings

Crosby Reid’s family is a bit like a team where everyone plays a special part. Her dad, Andy Reid, is kind of like a superhero in football, leading his team to victory with his smart strategies. Think of him as the coach who draws up the plays that help win the game. Then, there’s Crosby’s mom, who is like the team’s cheerleader, always supporting and cheering on her family through every adventure and challenge. Together, they make a strong team that loves and takes care of each other.

Crosby also has brothers and sisters, making her part of a big and fun family. Imagine having a house full of superheroes, each with their special powers and adventures. They play together, learn together, and sometimes even team up for big family adventures. Crosby’s siblings are her first friends, her teammates in the game of life. They share secrets, tell stories, and help each other grow up to be the best they can be. Every day is a new adventure with them, full of laughter, learning, and lots of love.

Wife and girl friend

Crosby Reid is still writing her own story, like how you might imagine your future. In stories, sometimes people have a special someone, like a prince or princess. For Crosby, thinking about having a wife or a girlfriend might be part of her adventure in the future.

Right now, she’s busy being her hero, exploring the world, and making dreams come true. Just like when you make a new friend at the playground and share your toys, Crosby enjoys making friends and sharing smiles. It’s all about having fun and finding happiness with the people around us.

Crosby Reid  Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Crosby Reid is like a character in a storybook who grows a little bit every year.  His 36 years old .We don’t know exactly how tall she is, but imagine she’s tall enough to reach the branches of a small tree. Crosby weighs just right for her height, like if you balanced perfectly on a seesaw. His weight 55kg and height 5feet 6inches  .

Picture her with a big smile that lights up her face, and eyes that sparkle when she laughs. Crosby’s appearance is unique, just like yours! She might wear colorful clothes that make her happy and comfortable shoes for adventures. Remember, it’s not about the numbers or how you look; it’s about the fun and love you share every day.

Crosby Reid  Career

Crosby Reid is carving out her path, creating a career that she loves. While we didn’t dive deep into what job she does, imagine her like a superhero, using her powers to do something amazing. Maybe she’s an artist, painting colorful worlds, or perhaps she helps people in a way only she can. Crosby’s career is all about following her heart and doing things that make her, and others, super happy.

She’s not just known because of her dad; she’s working hard to make her sparkle in the world. So, even though we don’t know all the details, we can be sure Crosby is on an exciting journey, doing something she loves every day.

Crosby Reid  Before fame

Crosby became known for being her awesome self, she was just like any kid with big dreams. Imagine being little and dreaming about becoming a superhero or an explorer. That was Crosby! She loved playing pretend, running around, and making up fun stories.

Think about when you draw your favorite characters or build castles out of blocks. Crosby did stuff like that too. She wasn’t famous yet, but she was already special because of her imagination and kindness. Every day was a new adventure, full of laughter and learning. 

Crosby Reid  Social Media Presence

Crosby is likes to share bits of her life on the internet, but not too much! Imagine having a treasure map that shows some of the treasure, but not all of it. That’s like Crosby’s social media. She posts pictures and stories, kind of like little peeks into her adventures.

It’s like she’s saying, “Here’s a fun thing I did!” or “Look at this cool place!” But, she keeps some things just for herself and her friends. So, if you look at her social media, it’s like getting a special ticket to see some of her favorite moments. Just remember, not everything is shared – some treasures are kept hidden!

Crosby Reid  Net Worth and Achievements

Crosby Reid might not be as famous as her dad, but she has done some pretty cool things herself. Think of “net worth” like a treasure chest. While we don’t know exactly how much treasure Crosby has in her chest, we do know she’s been working hard on her adventures. Crosby has achieved things that make her happy and proud. 

His net worth  $7.5 million . Every day, Crosby does her best, which is a big achievement. Plus, she has a smile that can light up a room, and that’s worth a lot! So, while we might not know the number of coins in her treasure chest, Crosby is collecting smiles, fun memories, and happy days.

Crosby Reid  Legacy and Impact

Crosby Reid is showing everyone that it’s super cool to be your person, even when your family is already famous. Just like a tiny seed grows into a big, beautiful tree, Crosby is growing her kind of wonderful. She teaches us that it’s okay to have big dreams and to work hard to make them come true. Crosby is like a hero in her own story, making a path that others can follow.

She shows us that doing what you love and being kind can make a big difference in the world. Just imagine, by being herself, she’s making the world brighter, like adding sparkles to a picture. It’s not just about being known because of her dad, but about the smiles and happiness she brings by being Crosby.


  • Crosby loves to play outside, where she can run, jump, and explore all day.
  • She enjoys drawing and painting, creating colorful pictures from her imagination. 
  • Reading books is one of her favorite things to do. She loves stories about magic, adventure, and faraway lands.
  • Music and dancing make her happy. She often sings along to her favorite songs and dances around the room. 
  • Playing games with her friends and family is super fun for Crosby.
  •   She loves games where she can laugh and win.   
  • She also likes finding cool bugs and learning about them, turning the garden into a big adventure. 
  • Crosby enjoys snacking on yummy treats that make her smile, especially during movie time.

Favorite Thing

  • Crosby has a favorite color, but it’s like a secret treasure.
  • Everyone loves guessing what it could be!  She enjoys munching on her favorite snack.
  • Imagine something yummy that makes her smile. – Playing outside is super fun for her.
  • Maybe she loves to run around or find cool bugs. – Crosby loves stories.
  • Whether it’s a book full of magic and adventure or a bedtime story that takes her to dreamland, she’s all ears. 
  • She has a favorite game. It could be anything from hide and seek to a board game where she can win with a big smile.
  • Drawing and painting make her happy. With every stroke, she creates a world of her own.
  • Music makes her world go round. Dancing and singing to her favorite tune is something she enjoys a lot.

Interesting Facts About

  • Crosby has a famous dad who coaches football. 
  • She has brothers and sisters, making her part of a big family.
  • Crosby loves doing her stuff, not just what her dad does. 
  •    She has a secret talent that not everyone knows about. 
  • Crosby likes to help people and make them smile. 
  • She has a favorite color, but it’s a mystery.
  •  Crosby enjoys reading books and learning new things. 
  • Sometimes, she goes on adventures, just for fun!


How old is Crosby Reid?

We didn’t say exactly, but she’s grown up!

What does Crosby do?

Crosby does her work which is pretty neat. We didn’t talk about her job here, but she’s doing her own thing!

Does Crosby like sports like her dad?

Maybe! We didn’t chat about that, but it’s fun to think she might.

Who is Crosby’s family?

Her dad is a big-time football coach, and she has family that loves her lots! Remember,


Crosby Reid, we’ve learned a lot about who she is and her life. Crosby is more than just the daughter of a famous football coach; she has her own story. We talked about where she comes from, her family, and what she likes to do.

Crosby has worked hard in her career and has her accomplishments, separate from her dad’s fame. She’s a reminder that everyone has their path to walk, even if they start in the shadow of someone else’s success. Crosby shows us it’s important to chase our dreams and make our mark in the world, just like she’s doing.


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